My Digital Books Available on iPhones iBooks App!

Exciting news for me, at least :). iBooks now has available the digital photo books I have published that previously were only available for iPads and Mac computers now for iPhones. I know some folks have iPhones and are not Mac users, so this opens up possibilities. To date I have 4 Digital photo books of Bujinkan events. I am working on more, but mainly focusing on finding ways to get these same books on the other platforms. This is proving to be more difficult. I do not give up though.

So please take a look and see if you might be interested. I think they are terrific. I don’t know where you can get this many images of Hatsumi Soke, or many buyu training anywhere. And what a deal, very, very inexpensive.

Check it out.

You must have iBooks on your device.

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Image of Books from iTunes Store