Wyoming Ranch Photo Shoot

In June I attended a National Geographic Expedition photography shoot in Dubois, Wyoming. Besides being fantastic countryside, wide open spaces with varying landscapes, it retains the feeling of the wild west. The Grand Tetons mountain range, high desert shrubs, Badlands red and gold striated hills, it was landscape to set you back in time. Or maybe I should say it is timeless, the only give away of modernity are the paved highways, and some power lines here and there.

I got out of the suburban size car that picked us up from the airport, and involuntarily breathed deeply and expansively, as though trying to take it all in. I felt a part of nature, felt peace and calm and ready for the adventure.I had a  fabulous week of photographing the wranglers on the CM Ranch, their daily round up activities, and wrangler life. The week culminated in the town’s weekly rodeo. What a treat. See for yourself!!

I made a slideshow of the days events, cataloging day to day life on a dude ranch. It’s 6 minutes long, and I hope you enjoy. Comments welcome!!

The blog only allows a certain size video, therefore, the images may be quite small. To enjoy larger size, please go here.

Thanks for reading and watching!