
Zanshinkai Oct. 2022
Very happy to be back traveling and heading to Germany in the Fall. I have been invited to be a part of a super team

New in Shop
Giant sale on Kunoichi Taikai DVD. All the DVDS must go. As physical DVDs are diminishing, these are taking space. It may be available in
Ninpo Gairon: Basic Principle of Ninpo Book
Announcing this year that Alex Esteve has a book available to be shipped within the US and Canada. Description: NINPO GAIRON: Basic principles of Ninpo

Japan Trip March 2017 Impressions
My recent trip to Japan for training was, as always, amazing. And each time I feel I advance a little bit more in my understanding

What I have been up to…
Happy 2017! I haven’t posted in several months. Time keeps on. What have I been up to closing out 2016… I have continued shooting a

Malia Garcia, my daughter and her work in the World
Just a quick share of the work my daughter is doing in South Africa. This is what she has to say, “In January I will

American Relief Center- Ghana Training Trip Part 1
American Relief Centers for Women and Children – A Lisa Gervais Foundation American Relief Centers is a non-governmental organization established in 2015 in Tema, Ghana,

Brief Overview of Ghana Adventures
So I thought I would write about Death Valley, but decided to give you a very brief overview of some of the things we did

Summer is here…..and here is my catch-up!
Well, it’s summer again, time goes so fast, and I know I keep saying that. So much to share and I just don’t get around

Japan Winter Trip – Training and Sightseeing
My usual, annual Japan training trip last December included some sightseeing locations. The usual Asakusa and temple as a nice one day trip. We also

Website Issues
Just a quick apology for the photo galleries issue. My web person has been moving and has not gotten to fixing the issue which occurred

Recent Trip to Scotland
I just seem to be very behind in sharing. So I’ll probably add quite a few posts in a short time. I was in Scotland